Our Europa Digital & Publishing branch deploys and runs web-based information platforms for various medical communities, helping to develop links between professionals in the same specialty, as well as sharing practices and scientific knowledge.
In 2024, our platforms enjoyed exceptional visitor rates, with increases in the number of visits ranging from +13% to +126% depending on the sites concerned.
In cardiology, here are a few heart-warming figures:
- +72% page views for PCR online, the global reference platform for interventional cardiologists
- Cardio Online, the online community for French cardiologists, welcomed 29% more visitors.
And the other therapeutic areas are not to be outdone!
- Encéphale online: +9% page views and +13% visits for the psychiatry research platform
-In neuroradiology, LINNC online recorded +25% page views and +44% visits.
Many thanks to all our partners and users for your trust and loyalty!